Please continue to uphold the Venables family: Bishop Greg arrives on Friday to join Sylvia and mourners at the funeral of her mother that day. Greg and Sylvia will then spend most of March in the UK on a pre-planned visit.

This Friday the Pastoral Committee of the Diocese of Northern Argentina holds an important meeting in La Caldera, near Salta. They seek the way forward to break the stagnation in the diocese in recent years. Pray that God will direct the pastors and lay leaders and renew their vision and motivation.

Archdeacon Hugo Vergara will lead this meeting. Pray for him and his wife Techy who have been suffering cardiovascular problems caused by stress.

Also on Friday the team from the FEISA Teacher Training College make their second training visit to Yatnata in the Paraguayan Chaco helping mothers set up a nursery for the youngest children. Pray for their travel and for the impact of this two-day visit.

Finally, a reminder that the BBC2 programme ‘Tropic of Capricorn’ this Sunday at 8pm includes a visit to the Argentine Chaco with a short feature on the Wichi people and deforestation.