The latest SAMS GB prayer line.

SAMS Prayer Line for the week commencing Tuesday 9 December

The next few days see plenty of travel between the UK and Paraguay. The 3½-month visit here by Ed & Marie Brice comes to an end and they fly back to Paraguay tomorrow. As we give thanks for their time here visiting link churches, let’s pray for their journey and resettling into the hot Asunción summer.

Coming from Paraguay are Babs Owen, arriving on Saturday for UK leave and Murray & Penny Metcalfe and their three children whose arrival on Tuesday (16th) completes nearly ten years’ service overseas. Pray for Babs on home ministry during the St Andrew’s School summer vacation, and for the Metcalfe family as they face this major change in their lives. And also on Saturday Linn Tedman jets off from Paraguay to South Africa to visit her sister and family, so please keep them all in your prayers. Her sister is very ill.

On Saturday evening the graduation ceremony for six students from the Centre for Pastoral Studies (CEP) in Santiago, Chile, takes place at San Lucas church. Bishop Frank Lyons from Bolivia will be present and the graduates include Raquel Greco from the Diocese of Paraguay. Let’s give thanks for these students who have completed their studies and ask God’s blessing on them as they put knowledge and gifts into practice in different situations. And please pray too for student Daniel Hueche who is suffering from cancer and has returned to his Mapuche community.

Finally, this weekend a regional conference for indigenous young people in the northern Argentine Chaco is held over two days in the town of Las Lomitas. Please seek God’s blessing on organiser René Pereira and all participants.